Performance management in international schools
As Headmaster at Haileybury Astana, we introduced an online Performance Management system from Blue Sky. I had been involved in...
As Headmaster at Haileybury Astana, we introduced an online Performance Management system from Blue Sky. I had been involved in...
This is the case study of an international school - it was a seemingly good school - one of the named overseas schools, with large...
All schools will no doubt have teacher code of conducts, but what about safeguarding procedures for contractors on site and visiting...
CATS Canterbury was rated an Excellent international Boarding School by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, so the challenge we had to...
News from OfSTED that 'harassment is now the norm in our schools', makes challenging reading for all of us. Young people are being...
The regulations are clear as to the format of your safeguarding policies, notices with helpline numbers and ensuring your school is...
Embedding leadership at all levels is vital for a top performing school. We have talked about leadership with the staff - empowering...
This is a particular issue for Heads. Governors can sometimes be reluctant to go through safeguarding training at times, and no matter...
Excellent schools put one of the highest priorities on training staff. There are a number of stages to this however, and the approach you...
There isn’t a single formula to get your school to outstanding, but there are some key pointers which can help you on the way! Get the...
The number of international schools is growing at a very strong rate. British education is highly valued abroad and there is now a whole...